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Cybersecurity & Privacy Festival 2020

Cybersecurity & Privacy Festival, Oct 19 to 23, 1 to 3pm daily

Hosted by Stanford’s Information Security and Privacy Offices, the Cybersecurity and Privacy Festival aims to raise awareness and understanding about how to ensure our online lives are safe and secure. Join us for the 2020 “Pandemic Edition,” which spans across the week of Oct. 19 to 23, from 1 to 3 p.m. daily.

The event includes a variety of talks and workshops from different speakers and security leaders, with an overarching focus on online safety and end-user protection based on security best practices. All talks and workshops are available through Zoom. 

All Stanford University and healthcare communities are invited.

The first 100 people to register will be entered into a drawing to win a raffle prize. Learn more and register now